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Build and run a vAccel application

Assuming we have an installation of vAccel, either by building from source or by installing the binary packages, we will walk through the process of running a simple vAccel application

Building a vaccel application

We will use an example of image classification which can be found under the examples folder of this project.

If you haven't already done so, get the code and change to the cloned directory:

git clone
cd vaccel

You can then build the example using:

meson setup -Dexamples=enabled build
meson compile -C build

A number of example binaries have been built:

$ ls build/examples
classify          detect          exec_generic     minmax          pose             pynq_parallel    segment_generic  tf_inference
classify_generic  depth           detect_generic   minmax_generic  pose_generic     pynq_vector_add  sgemm            tf_model
depth_generic     exec            Makefile         noop            pynq_array_copy  segment          sgemm_generic    tf_saved_model

Alternatively, to build the example manually you can use the provided pkg-config specification - make sure vAccel is installed globally or set the PKG_CONFIG_PATHenvironment variable.

$ # install vaccel to build/install
$ meson setup --reconfigure --prefix=<absolute/path/to/>build/install build
$ meson install -C build
$ # set path to the pkgconfig dir (so pkg-config will find vaccel.pc)
$ export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=<absolute/path/to/>build/install/lib/<multirarch-triplet>/pkgconfig
$ cd examples
$ gcc classify.c -o classify -Wall -Wextra $(pkg-config --cflags --libs vaccel)
$ ls classify.c classify
classify.c  classify  

Running a vaccel application

Having built our classify example, we need to prepare the vaccel environment for it to run:

  1. Define the path to (if not in the default search path):
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  1. Define the backend plugin to use for our application.

In this example, we will use the noop plugin:

export VACCEL_BACKENDS=/usr/local/lib/
  1. Finally, you can do:
./classify images/example.jpg 1

which should dump the following output:

$ ./classify images/example.jpg 1
Initialized session with id: 1
Image size: 79281B
[noop] Calling Image classification for session 1
[noop] Dumping arguments for Image classification:
[noop] len_img: 79281
[noop] will return a dummy result
classification tags: This is a dummy classification tag!

Alternatively from the build directory:

$ cd ../build
$ ./examples/classify ../examples/images/example.jpg 1
Initialized session with id: 1
Image size: 79281B
[noop] Calling Image classification for session 1
[noop] Dumping arguments for Image classification:
[noop] len_img: 79281
[noop] will return a dummy result
classification tags: This is a dummy classification tag!

For debug level output: