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vAccel Tensorflow Bindings

To execute TF applications using vAccel, The first thing we need to do is install tensorflow on the machine we plan to run the plugin. This is a lengthy operation, as we need the C/C++ libraries which are not available from the official tensorflow repo as binaries. To build from source, follow the guide below.

Alternatively you can use a container image we have already built, so feel free to skip to Running in a container.

Get & Build the TF C/C++ API files

Building the TF libraries can be a lengthy process. For instance, on a 4-core machine with 16GB of memory the command below took ~2.5h.

git clone && \
    cd tensorflow && \
    git checkout v2.11.0 && \
    ./configure && \
    bazel build --jobs=4 \
            --config=v2 \
            --copt=-O3 \
            --copt=-march=native \
            --config=opt \
            --verbose_failures \
            //tensorflow:tensorflow_cc \
            //tensorflow:install_headers \
            //tensorflow:tensorflow \
            //tensorflow:tensorflow_framework \
            //tensorflow/c:c_api \

install TF runtime & libs to some dir in the host:

mkdir -p /opt/tensorflow/lib
cp -r bazel-bin/tensorflow/* /opt/tensorflow/lib/
cd /opt/tensorflow/lib && \
     ln -s && \
     ln -s && \
     ln -s && \
     ln -s

Running in a container

If you want to avoid the burden (effort & time) to build the TF C/C++ libraries from source, you can use a ready-made container image. Just run:

docker run --rm -it -v$PWD:/data -w /data /bin/bash

and perform the steps below inside the container.

Install vAccel on the host

sudo dpkg -i vaccel-0.5.0-Linux.deb

Get the Tensorflow plugin & bindings

dpkg -i vaccel-tensorflow-0.1.0-Linux.deb

There should be two .so files installed in /usr/local/lib:

$ find /usr/local/lib -name "libvaccel-tf*.so"

Alternatively, get the binary artifacts manually from the binaries table and install them to /usr/local/lib:

cp /usr/local//lib
cp /usr/local/lib

Run a simple vAccel test (vAccel TF API)

To test the vAccel TF API we'll need a TF model. You can get a dir with the necessary files from our s3 repo:

tar -zxvf lstm2.tar.gz --strip-components=1

Then, after setting the parameters below,

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
export VACCEL_BACKENDS=/usr/local/lib/

we can run the three examples:

tf_model (just loads a pb model)

$ /usr/local/bin/tf_model lstm2/saved_model.pb 
2023.01.30-14:49:24.05 - <debug> Initializing vAccel
2023.01.30-14:49:24.05 - <debug> Created top-level rundir: /run/user/0/vaccel.XkutVJ
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Registered plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session load from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session run from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session delete from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Loaded plugin tf from /usr/local/lib/
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> session:1 New session
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> New rundir for resource /run/user/0/vaccel.XkutVJ/resource.2
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Persisting file
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Destroying resource 1
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Destroying resource 2
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Removing file /run/user/0/vaccel.XkutVJ/resource.2/model.pb
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> session:1 Free session
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Shutting down vAccel
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Cleaning up plugins
2023.01.30-14:49:24.10 - <debug> Unregistered plugin tf

tf_saved_model (loads a saved model)

$ /usr/local/bin/tf_saved_model lstm2 
2023.01.30-14:50:10.65 - <debug> Initializing vAccel
2023.01.30-14:50:10.65 - <debug> Created top-level rundir: /run/user/0/vaccel.eAMXnP
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Registered plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session load from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session run from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session delete from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Loaded plugin tf from /usr/local/lib/
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Testing SavedModel handling from path
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Creating new SavedModel handle
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Setting path of the model
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Set TensorFlow model path to lstm2
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Registering model resource with vAccel
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Registering new vAccel TensorFlow model
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> New resource 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Registered new resource: 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> session:1 New session
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> New session: 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Registering model 1 with session 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Unregistering model 1 from session 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Destroying model 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Destroying resource 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Destroying session 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> session:1 Free session
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Testing SavedModel handling from in memory data
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Creating new SavedModel handle
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Setting protobuf file for model
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Setting checkpoint file for model
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Setting variables index file for model
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Registering model resource with vAccel
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Registering new vAccel TensorFlow model
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Persisting file
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Persisting file
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Persisting file
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> New resource 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Registered new resource: 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> session:1 New session
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> New session: 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Registering model 1 with session 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Unregistering model 1 from session 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Destroying model 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Destroying resource 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Removing file /run/user/0/vaccel.eAMXnP/resource.1/saved_model.pb
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Removing file /run/user/0/vaccel.eAMXnP/resource.1/variables/
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Removing file /run/user/0/vaccel.eAMXnP/resource.1/variables/variables.index
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <info> Destroying session 1
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> session:1 Free session
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Shutting down vAccel
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Cleaning up plugins
2023.01.30-14:50:10.71 - <debug> Unregistered plugin tf

tf_inference (performs inference on a saved model)

$ /usr/local/bin/tf_inference lstm2 
2023.01.30-14:50:44.04 - <debug> Initializing vAccel
2023.01.30-14:50:44.04 - <debug> Created top-level rundir: /run/user/0/vaccel.3qjD7J
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> Registered plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session load from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session run from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session delete from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> Loaded plugin tf from /usr/local/lib/
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> Set TensorFlow model path to lstm2
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> Registering new vAccel TensorFlow model
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> New resource 1
Created new model 1
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> session:1 New session
Initialized vAccel session 1
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> TensorFlow: load graph
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> Found implementation in tf plugin
2023.01.30-14:50:44.09 - <debug> [tf-plugin] Loading session from SavedModel
2023-01-30 14:50:44.108279: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel from: lstm2
2023-01-30 14:50:44.159135: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading meta graph with tags { serve }
2023-01-30 14:50:44.159176: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel debug info (if present) from: lstm2
2023-01-30 14:50:44.263678: I tensorflow/compiler/mlir/] MLIR V1 optimization pass is not enabled
2023-01-30 14:50:44.296034: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Restoring SavedModel bundle.
2023-01-30 14:50:44.459965: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Running initialization op on SavedModel bundle at path: lstm2
2023-01-30 14:50:44.605060: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] SavedModel load for tags { serve }; Status: success: OK. Took 496802 microseconds.
2023.01.30-14:50:44.64 - <debug> Model from path loaded correctly
2023.01.30-14:50:44.72 - <debug> TensorFlow: run graph
2023.01.30-14:50:44.72 - <debug> Found implementation in tf plugin
2023.01.30-14:50:44.72 - <debug> [tf-plugin] Running session
2023.01.30-14:50:45.28 - <debug> [tf-plugin] Success
Output tensor => type:1 nr_dims:3
dim[0]: 1
dim[1]: 30
dim[2]: 61
Result Tensor :
2023.01.30-14:50:45.28 - <debug> TensorFlow: delete session
2023.01.30-14:50:45.28 - <debug> Found implementation in tf plugin
2023.01.30-14:50:45.37 - <debug> session:1 Free session
2023.01.30-14:50:45.37 - <debug> Destroying resource 1
2023.01.30-14:50:45.37 - <debug> Shutting down vAccel
2023.01.30-14:50:45.37 - <debug> Cleaning up plugins
2023.01.30-14:50:45.37 - <debug> Unregistered plugin tf

Build a tensorflow example application

git clone
cd tensorflow_capi_sample
gcc -I/opt/tensorflow/lib/include/ -L/opt/tensorflow/lib main.c -ltensorflow -o main.out

Make sure the saved model is present:

tar -zxvf lstm2.tar.gz --strip-components=1

and after we set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH parameter:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/tensorflow/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

we can run:

$ ./main.out
2022-08-04 18:03:52.615232: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel from: lstm2/
2022-08-04 18:03:52.668118: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading meta graph with tags { serve }
2022-08-04 18:03:52.668163: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel debug info (if present) from: lstm2/
2022-08-04 18:03:52.884637: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Restoring SavedModel bundle.
2022-08-04 18:03:53.092219: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Running initialization op on SavedModel bundle at path: lstm2/
2022-08-04 18:03:53.240309: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] SavedModel load for tags { serve }; Status: success: OK. Took 625082 microseconds.
TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel OK
TF_GraphOperationByName serving_default_input_1 is OK
TF_GraphOperationByName StatefulPartitionedCall is OK
TF_NewTensor is OK
Session is OK
Result Tensor :

This is a generic TF execution example. To run with vAccel, apart from the above env parameters, we'll need to specify the bindings:

$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/local/lib/ ./main.out 
2023.01.30-14:54:38.23 - <debug> Initializing vAccel
2023.01.30-14:54:38.23 - <debug> Created top-level rundir: /run/user/0/vaccel.Ldk8YE
2023.01.30-14:54:38.25 - <debug> Registered plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:54:38.25 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session load from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:54:38.25 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session run from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:54:38.25 - <debug> Registered function TensorFlow session delete from plugin tf
2023.01.30-14:54:38.25 - <debug> Loaded plugin tf from /usr/local/lib/
2023.01.30-14:54:38.27 - <debug> session:1 New session
2023.01.30-14:54:38.27 - <debug> Set TensorFlow model path to lstm2/
2023.01.30-14:54:38.27 - <debug> Registering new vAccel TensorFlow model
2023.01.30-14:54:38.27 - <debug> New resource 1
2023.01.30-14:54:38.27 - <debug> TensorFlow: load graph
2023.01.30-14:54:38.27 - <debug> Found implementation in tf plugin
2023.01.30-14:54:38.27 - <debug> [tf-plugin] Loading session from SavedModel
2023-01-30 14:54:38.273960: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel from: lstm2/
2023-01-30 14:54:38.313844: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading meta graph with tags { serve }
2023-01-30 14:54:38.313888: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel debug info (if present) from: lstm2/
2023-01-30 14:54:38.409655: I tensorflow/compiler/mlir/] MLIR V1 optimization pass is not enabled
2023-01-30 14:54:38.441268: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Restoring SavedModel bundle.
2023-01-30 14:54:38.628391: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Running initialization op on SavedModel bundle at path: lstm2/
2023-01-30 14:54:38.763201: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] SavedModel load for tags { serve }; Status: success: OK. Took 489261 microseconds.
2023.01.30-14:54:38.80 - <debug> Model from path loaded correctly
2023-01-30 14:54:38.870546: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel from: lstm2/
2023-01-30 14:54:38.918771: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading meta graph with tags { serve }
2023-01-30 14:54:38.918819: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Reading SavedModel debug info (if present) from: lstm2/
2023-01-30 14:54:39.050492: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Restoring SavedModel bundle.
2023-01-30 14:54:39.231115: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] Running initialization op on SavedModel bundle at path: lstm2/
2023-01-30 14:54:39.379673: I tensorflow/cc/saved_model/] SavedModel load for tags { serve }; Status: success: OK. Took 509137 microseconds.
TF_LoadSessionFromSavedModel OK
TF_GraphOperationByName serving_default_input_1 is OK
TF_GraphOperationByName StatefulPartitionedCall is OK
TF_NewTensor is OK
2023.01.30-14:54:39.41 - <debug> TensorFlow: run graph
2023.01.30-14:54:39.41 - <debug> Found implementation in tf plugin
2023.01.30-14:54:39.41 - <debug> [tf-plugin] Running session
2023.01.30-14:54:40.02 - <debug> [tf-plugin] Success
Session is OK
2023.01.30-14:54:40.02 - <debug> TensorFlow: delete session
2023.01.30-14:54:40.02 - <debug> Found implementation in tf plugin
2023.01.30-14:54:40.12 - <debug> Destroying resource 1
2023.01.30-14:54:40.19 - <debug> session:1 Free session
Result Tensor :
2023.01.30-14:54:40.19 - <debug> Shutting down vAccel
2023.01.30-14:54:40.19 - <debug> Cleaning up plugins
2023.01.30-14:54:40.19 - <debug> Unregistered plugin tf