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vAccel plugin API

vAccel plugins provide the glue code between vAccel User API operations and their hardware implementations.

A vAccel plugin is a shared object, built in any programming language that can output a shared object. This page describes the needed operations to be implemented for a shared object to be linked as a vAccel plugin.

Plugin API

vaccelrt-plugin-template hosts an example, template repo which is probably a good start for developing a vAccel plugin in C.

The structure of a vAccel plugin is the following:

  • An init() function, called upon plugin initialization
static int init(void) {

  • A fini() function, called before unloading the plugin
static int fini(void) {

  • A definition of the VACCEL_MODULE with:

    • .name : The name of the plugin
    • .version : The version of the plugin
    • .init : the function to call upon plugin initialization (eg. init())
    • .fini : the function to call before unloading the plugin (eg. on program exit, fini())
        .name = "vAccel template plugin",
        .version = "0.9",
        .init = init,
        .fini = fini

At initialization, the plugin needs to register its operations to the relevant vAccel User API operation. To do that, we use an array of struct vaccel_ops, to map each function implementation to the respective API operation. For instance, the array could look like the following:

static struct vaccel_op ops[] = {
    VACCEL_OP_INIT(ops[0], VACCEL_NO_OP, my_noop_function),
    VACCEL_OP_INIT(ops[1], VACCEL_MINMAX, my_minmax_function),


struct vaccel_op {
    /* operation type */
    uint8_t type;

    /* function implementing the operation */
    void *func;


building a vAccel plugin

Based on the template repo, we can build a simple vAccel plugin that implements the NOOP user API operation with our own custom function.

First let's clone the repo:

git clone

Let's get the vaccelrt code base (submodule):

git submodule update --init --recursive

then let's create the build environment:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../

and let's look into ../src/vaccel.c:

#include <stdio.h>

#include <vaccel.h> /* needed for vAccel specific structures (eg Session */
#include <plugin.h> /* needed for register_plugin_functions */

/* A function that will be mapped to a vAccel User API operation using
 * register_plugin_functions() */
static int my_noop_function(struct vaccel_session *sess)
        fprintf(stderr, "[my noop function] session: %d\n", sess->session_id);

        return VACCEL_OK;

/* An array of the operations to be mapped */
struct vaccel_op ops[] = {
        VACCEL_OP_INIT(ops[0], VACCEL_NO_OP, my_noop_function),

/* The init() function, called upon plugin initialization */
static int init(void)
        /* This is where the static function above `my_noop_function()`
         * gets mapped to the relevant vAccel User API operation. */
        return register_plugin_functions(ops, sizeof(ops) / sizeof(ops[0]));

/* The fini() function, called before unloading the plugin */
static int fini(void)
        return VACCEL_OK;

        .name = "vAccel template plugin",
        .version = "0.9",
        .init = init,
        .fini = fini